Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shaving cream stuff?

there is a cream by Nair shaves your legs with out shaving. But if that can dissove hair wat does it do to you skin? Who has used this product? wat does it do to your skin?

Shaving cream stuff?
OMG, ive used that stuff...and, for me atleast, it was rly rly rough on my skin and left red marks and blood where the hair was far in...the 3 minutes made me feel like i was burning up, and even though i had tested a small patch a couple days before, i guess i hadnt given enough cream to see results, but yea, be careful when buying that stuff...but it for sensitive skin (better if it has aloe too) and TEST TEST TEST, i actually used veet with aloe strip "blades"(without blades, just tools used to remove the cream) but, other stuff might work

good luck
Reply:i have used it before, its good.
Reply:Suffice to say that the Nair approcach to shaving doesn't work for everybody. It depends upon both hair color/consistency and skin type. I've known some who have had some bad experiences ie. breakouts, bumps, etc. Others have been partially satisfied, but none of those hair removal products are all they are professed to be

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