Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Anyone heard of Racet' cream? Used for bed sores with 10% cortizone. Looking for something similar.?

My dad had been in the hospital for 2 weeks in traction. He was given a blue tube called Racet' cream. Active ingrediant was 10% cortizone. Used for bed sores was original reason hospital had prescribed it for him. He gave me the used tube which had very little left in it and told me to use it on my face where we both were afflicted with psoriasis and eczema. He had it worse than I did. Anyway, I found that with an extremely thin layer applied to my dry, flakey red areas about the nose, forehead and chin the skin problem totally disappeared after two applications. (One each day) And with 2-3 applications a week there after it stayed away. I need to find a cream that will do that for me. 10% cortizone is script only. Is there an alternative product that will do the same thing? Can't afford to see a doctor. My face will break out with red swelled patches that itch and sometimes weep when I wash or touch the skin. Please help!!! Herbal substitutes? I've tried many things.

Anyone heard of Racet' cream? Used for bed sores with 10% cortizone. Looking for something similar.?
It is good that you found something that worked well but 10% steroids is a extremely potent medicine, I doubt if anyone would rpescribe something like this for long term use, and do beware of using it longterm yourself. It does come with lots of side effects, seeing a dermatologist is the way to go, unfotunately I agree that it will cost quite a bit, good luck

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