I am asian skinned,I have been to a nhs dermotologist and she gave me this gel like cream to apply every night but that does nothing to help and dries the hell out of my skin making it more itchy,the restof my face is clear just the chin area always itchy and then gets spotty which i then pick at and i scar very easily,please help someone as using foundation does not cover them either and i feel really conscious and hate trying to cover the chin area up everytime i go out, it is a hassle,anyone know how to remove the dark areas and how to stop the itchy skin? i am willing to try anything realistic or that is tried and tested,thanks everyone
I get itchy skin all around my chin and have dark areas there where i have been scratching them,what shud i do
Have you tried Nivea cream for men. It is very good for soothing itchiness. If you use an aftershave, you could have an allergy to it.
Reply:look on the redbush website for alternative ways to treat skin conditions
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