This happened about 3 weeks ago. The puffy and itchy went away after 3 or 4 days, but the skin was dry and flakey all around my eye. I tried vaseline and eucherin cream that I got from the pharmacy. It was so dry I thought I soon wouldn't be able to blink!! It got modestly better, but today they're red, puffy and ITCHY again. I have not changed my makeup. I did buy a new Clinique moisturizer. I have used this in the past with no problems though, and the problem is only around my eyes - the rest of my face is fine.
Why is the skin around my eyes is red, puffy, itchy and severely dry?
You really should see a skin doctor about this. It looks like an allergy or a dry skin condition. Some people who have slow thyroids, are also prone to this condition.
Reply:Maybe its the new moisturizer. thats the only thing thats changed. its an allergic reaction to something.
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