i just started using oxy cover pimple cream. it works but it makes the pimple become dark. and i can peel off the skin on top of the pimple. it doesnt hurt. i thot peeling it will make it look lighter and heal faster but then the next day those parts become dark patches. =( i sue hydrocortision for scars but i dono if it works. my mum says the best way to stop hurting my face is to stop using all creams. just wash face. i use Oxy face wash.. it has triclosan in it. i cut a vitamin E capsule and applied the liquid on my scars. will it work? i want to see my bf next week. how long will it take for the scars to go away?
oh boy!!!
go see a dermatologist!!!
they can help they can see what is wrong and help you.. you may be making your situation worse with self diagnosis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:Ouch. Scars last a long time. I've been dealing with them for a few years. They won't go away by next week. It takes a while, just keep putting Vitamin E cream on them to speed up the process.
Reply:umm i dont think your spsd to peel the skin off...just apply the product and follow the instructions, and dont pick at it (obviously)
ooh, and i use the oxy pads that you like rub on your face and their like black head eliminating and they work rly rly well for me...so yea
Reply:well,OXY is the best.please dont peel off your skin and no rubbing too.vitamin E may help
Reply:It might be too strong for your skin. Do they sell a sensitive formula? You should try...(I hate to say it BUT) PRO ACTIVE! Its formulated for all skin types. (I have many friends with different nationalities who use it and it works great for all of them, even-though they all have different skin types.)
To get rid of your scars quickly try skin fading cream or Palmers cocoa butter, but apply it to the scars only not your entire face.
Reply:If you see any allergic reaction, or negative effect, stop using immediately and ask your doctor about it. I would recommend you to use Proactiv solution, that the one i currentlly use and it really work!
Reply:quit picking off the top of the pimple..
you are going to make it scar...
if you pick the skin will leave a permanent dark mark...
let it dry and leave it alone....
let it come off by itself.
If you want to cover it, use a cover cream..
.not one full of moisturiers etc, or you will just cause the same pimples to visit you on a regulat basis..
they have to go through the ugly dry peeling, flaking to heal..
Do not put greasy stuff on them, you will be just feeding them...
You need to have the skin dry up and you have to just grin and bare it......
the scabs are there to help and protect the skin while it heals.
keep you fingers off!!!!!
forget the vit e and the hydrocortisone.
put away the hydrocortisone.....keep it for infections on the rest of your body..
don't worry about your guy, he either loves you or he doesn't
Reply:Pro-Active and Neutrogena Pore Refining Cleanser- these are what my dermatoloist said work best. to get rid of scars try some skin toner. scars last a loong time. especially when it's a reaction to a skin product! good luck.
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