I've been having skin itching and flushing on my arm, back, chest, and belly area. It started being itchy and so I scratch it gently and then the area reddened without any bumps. Except my skin has goose bumps even though I am not cold.
So I think it's skin allergy, although I cound't find any possible allergen that caused it.
I've been extremely stressful for the past few weeks with lack of sleep for a long time and so I think my immune system is compromised and imbalanced.
I tried tropical cream with cortisone but it didn't really work.
I also tried mint cream but that only help me feel less itchy.
Can some one give me some suggestion? I am thinking of eating antihistamine from allergy OTC drug. What about food? How can I gain immune system balance?
Thank you.
Need help with skin allergy and immune system?
Yes, your immune system is being compromised. I would recommend 2,000 mg of Ester-C daily, in divided doses and Beta 1,3 Glucans. You should also take 1 tbsp of flax oil daily. Also, you may want to try a good herbal allergy formula from a health food store. Get some sleep, too. Melatonin with a combination of B-6 and Valerian Root can really help you catch up on Z's.
Reply:go to www.911healthshop.com. call 1866 890 8623 to get immune boost. email them at sales@911healthshop.com. check out also www.tatiorganics.com
Reply:U Need help about skin care more information about http://www.skincarefairy.com
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