Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Does any1 know any good cream....???

Hello every1, I would like to know if any1 know any good fade facial cream. Something very strong for scars, pigmentation, dark areas or any other skin discoloration.

Please I'm desperate, if you know let me know.

many thanks

Does any1 know any good cream....???
.um...u can get the proavtive restorer...
Reply:Bio Oil. I had dermatitis on my arms and after treating it with a steroid cream it left horrible scars. Bio Oil worked perfectly, definitely recommended.
Reply:skin doctors have a really good product range for any skin problem. Salons sell it and i think it's in boots now. lol
Reply:dermaline skin whitening cream..

it's what i sue for the same problem. :-)
Reply:cocoa butter
Reply:Use Noevir C15, C50 For discoloration I have bee using these for years They are best seller

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