Hi, I am16 yr old guy with lightbrown skin and have athletic body (no fat). The skin between my legs which connects with the penis are way dark in color. Also the same applies to my hip area where my briefs rest. Is there any cream or lotion to apply so that I get a uniform color as my body? Is there anyone who have similar problems too? Please help.... thank you
Darker skin between legs and hip?
Yes, there is! ScarZone works fairly well.
Reply:Yah my boyfriend has darker skin there too. I think it is normal.
Reply:I know a girl shouldn't answer this, but most men that I've talked to have darker skin in the genital area. It's not anything bad.
I don't think there's anything out there to lighten it, either. Just think of it as "normal."
Reply:who cares
Reply:I just checked...
Im normal and your not.
Reply:your body isn't post to be one color from what i know!
Reply:Yes its called a skin lightener,,basically bleach,,but those dark spots r normal anyway,,kinda like Ur balls being darker that Ur penis.
Reply:OH there are special creams that help u to light this skin but u should see a dermatologist in order to be well trated..don't worry so much about it..what really matters is waht u have inside u...not over ur skin
Reply:I think the differences in pigmentation in that area are normal.
My concern is why are you focusing on this as a problem? If you are worried that it will turn a girl off, it won't. It won't be your skin pigment she will be interested in by the time she sees that area of your body.
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