Ever since I went to Phoenix to visit family I got bad itching bumps all over my hands and they itch badly like when I would sleep or wake up in the morning. From scratching my skin gets very dry and cut up, Ive actually scared my finger from scratching the skin away. Its now spread from hands to elbow and feet. I went to doctors they gave me shot and cream but doesnt seem to be working it went away kind of now came back almost 2x worse. I cant figure out was causes it cause I got it in Phoenix but ive been back almost 2 months. I dont know any other info I can include other than the bumps are small and when I pop them its just clear puss. But this problem is really effecting my life and sleeping habits I need help.
I bad skin issues with itching and itching bumps?
is it only affecting you at night time? it sounds like scabies and if you got that it is a nasty little rash that involves treatment and washing all of the clothes and bedding that you have been in contact with. go to your doctor and get him to check you for it cause it is nasty!!
Reply:Eczema? Think about if you could have come into contact with anything that you may have been allergic to. If you have dry, raw skin, then buy emollient cream. This will soothe it and hydrate it. I would also ask to see a specialist.
Reply:Go see a different Dermatologist. The first one obviously misdiagnosed. Could be some kind of little tick or something set up housekeeping in your hide.
Reply:Sounds like urticaria (hives).
Avoiding skin care products which contain anything ending in "ate" (eg: sulphate) is a good start. Look for a soap-free product designed for sensitive, allergy prone skin. Use a similar moisturising cream, too.
Checking out the local health care shops is worthwhile, and speak to the people there.
If this continues, then ask your doctor to perform an allergen test to determine the trigger for this. Have you thoroughly (ie: used hot water) washed and rinsed your clothes? (sorry if that sounds insulting, but some allergens only disappear with hot water)
Hope this helps!
Blessings, Gypsy Queen
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