Monday, November 21, 2011

Dry skin on my dog's belly?

My dog has an overactive thyroid and takes medication regularly for it. Before she was diagnosed, her hair was falling out and she had a hot spot on her tail (this was why I took her to the vet initially). Anyway, since getting her meds her hair has grown back and she is losing weight. However, the hair on her belly hasn't grown back and her skin is very dry. The vet said that this is nothing to worry about. She said I could put baby oil on but I was wondering if it would be safe to use a moisturizing cream like Eucerin or Aveeno oatmeal? Any thoughts?

Dry skin on my dog's belly?
you could get the medicated oatmeal conditioner and leave it on her husky has skin allergies so the vet recomened it and it really soothes his skin.u should be able to get some at walmart or a pet store. make sure the area is clean and dry the put it on several times a day i also give my dog benadryl when he is really itchy. if your dog is still loosing wght she might need her meds changed or increased good luck
Reply:even dove to lightly wash the area and then dove or ponds cream works very well.

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