I have a bad case of chicken skin wich is sorta like pimpals all over my arm but there more like goosbumps I hate it and I have used every cream imaginalble!!!! Help please
Chicken skin?
"Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is a very common skin condition often referred to as "chicken skin". If you have keratosis pilaris, you are not alone. Worldwide, keratosis pilaris affects an estimated 40 to 50% of the adult population and approximately 50 to 80% of all adolescents".
Use mild soaps or gentle body washes.
Apply moisturizers frequently -- For better absorption, apply to the skin while it's still moist after showering.
Take tepid showers rather than hot baths.
Light exfoliation with an abrasive pad may sometimes be of help, however scrubbing the areas of KP is not recommended, and can worsen the condition.
Keeping areas of KP exfoliated with a Salicylic Acid or AHA based lotion works best
I hope it would help you.
Reply:Here are some tratments I found, but maybe you should go to a doctor that specalizes in skin problems. Hope this website helps, because going to doctors is usually expensive, and a pain. Hope it clears up! It calles it keratosis pilaris on the site, that's the scientific name.
Reply:doctors's suck but they help if u dont wanna ruin ur skin my advice is stop using unprescribed creams go see a doctor!!
Reply:I used to get that sometimes when i was little. It went away after a while for me...I'm pretty sure thats what you're talking about.
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